Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jesus Calling

Welcome to "Jesus Calling" daily devotional

  • Last year I did a daily devotion by taking a picture of pages of a devotional book and sending to my friends.  This year I felt it would be more productive to start a blog and not only post the daily devotionals but also be able to discuss each devotion as each desires.  This will also give me an opportunity to present other topics and links that can also be discussed.  
  • Please understand that anything posted or links given are for discussion only.  I am not trying to push on you any of my own beliefs, however, I do believe the more we delve into the word and discuss the word... the closer we get to God and the more we will understand His will.
  • I encourage everyone to pass this blog on to friends and family and my hope is that we all become closer to the Holy Spirit which is our earthly link to God Himself.
  • The daily devotions will begin January 1st.

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